Besides our extensive portfolio of delta robots, we offer you accessorie and options. Codian Robotics has a wide range of accessories available. From cable management to standardized customisation.
Cable management. Are you looking for the solution to guide and tie the cables efficiently to the robot? With our cable guide system and cable clamps you can easily mount the cables to the arms of the robots.
Calibration tools. With the calibration tool you can easily place the arms of the robot in zero position. Ideal as a start point when programming the robot. One tool for all the same robots in your production line will ease the controlling of the robots.
Frames: We enjoy helping you with providing information about the specs to build a firm and stable frame.
Complete demo setup. Are you looking for a complete demonstration set up? Ask us for the possibilities.
Vacuum solution. We offer a simple but complete vacuum set with a suction cup or an advanced gripper with silicone fingers.
Standardized Customisation. Codian Robotics offers you standardizes customization, options to construct the perfect robot for your application. Possible options are:
- High Torque or Corrosion Resistant gearboxes.
- Rotation axis for high inertia or for the food industry.
- Primary and secondary arms suitable for food safety environments.
- Other possibilities.
We love to help you to find the best possible solution for your application. Please contact us to discuss your application and our solutions. You can reach us by email at or our office in US at